Having honest, broad-reaching and thought-provoking discussions with skilled, independent strategy specialists can be the catalyst you need for clarity – a clear direction to take your business forward and a deeper understanding of what the keys to your success are.  

Clients who work with Grant Thornton gain access to our value-adding business strategy sessions. The specialist team assembled from our full-service firm is dictated by your business, industry, and current challenges. Our programme also gives you the flexibility to choose how often your sessions occur depending on your time and budget; they can be held at the outset of a relationship or engagement, periodically or annually. 

Our methodology focuses on the mission-critical aspects of your business. Your leadership team will work through six critical success factors for your business’s survival and growth: 

  • Realistic strategic ambitions 
  • Financing growth 
  • Managing risk and regulation 
  • Optimising operations 
  • Engaging leadership and talent 
  • Maximising stakeholder value 

Your team will then receive the issues specific to your business for achieving success, and a practical implementation plan to help you achieve specific milestones. We can help with the communication to your broader team, check in to see how you’re tracking, or run the required programmes alongside your team.