Successful risk management isn't just about protecting your business – it's about creating resilience and enabling confident decision-making to drive sustainable growth.

Wherever your organisation is on its risk management journey, Grant Thornton’s methodology establishes risk management procedures and identifies your strategic risks. Our team of highly experienced risk practitioners then work with you to confirm your risk appetite – the level of risk your organisation is willing to accept. 

How we can help 

Our risk methodology is scalable and flexible, which means you can pick and choose a tailored programme that best suits your needs based on your level risk maturity. It comprises the following steps, and we can deliver ongoing risk maturity assessments to ensure your risk strategy is growing with your business.

  • Our team will work with yours to develop a Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Framework  
  • These documents are developed in alignment with recognised risk management best practice (ISO31000: 2018) 
  • We’ll also work your management team to design the risk impact criteria tailored to your organisation 

You will come away with a pragmatic and easy to follow process to assess and evaluate the risks that are inline with your risk impact criteria.  

  • We facilitate a strategic risk workshop with leadership teams, Boards, and audit and risk committees (ARC)  
  • Risk owners can also participate in one-on-one sessions with our advisors to understand the controls currently in place. 
  • We then work with you to development your organisation’s strategic risk profile (SRP) 

These workshops serve as a channel for leadership to regularly discuss and manage strategic risk. Attendees will gain a consistent understanding of the key strategic risks to the organisation, and how to align strategy to risk. Regular updates to the SRP provide assurance to the Board that risks are being considered and managed. 

This step helps you clearly articulate the level of risk your organisation is willing to accept across all categories of risk, and provides upskilling and support to leadership when making risk-based strategic decisions. It also improves transparency both internally and externally about how strategic decisions are made. We’ll then work together to develop risk appetite statements to support your strategic risk profile.