Now more than ever, growing exposure from the online business environment should put cyber security at the top of your organisation’s agenda, because it’s no longer a question of if your business will come under attack, but when. 

The explosion of new digital technologies and the data they can generate, combined with a new degree of connectedness among organisations means the opportunities are ripe for the technologically-savvy and criminally-minded to take advantage of any vulnerabilities within your organisation. Anything is open for exploitation including your systems, software, data and even your people.  

How we can help 

Cyber security doesn't need to be masked in jargon or require investment in expensive, complex solutions to reduce your risk. Our highly experienced advisors can help you understand your current state through a comprehensive cyber security maturity assessment against a number of cyber frameworks. The six key elements to consider in your approach to cyber are:


Identify and manage the cybersecurity risks to systems, assets, data, and capabilities within your environment.


Implement relevant safeguards to ensure the delivery of critical services.


Implement appropriate activities to quickly identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity event.


Develop a plan to respond to detected cybersecurity incidents. This includes mitigation and communication to contain the impact of a cybersecurity event.


Restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to a cybersecurity incident. 


Establish oversight to monitor your organisation’s cybersecurity programme, risk management strategy, and governance policies and procedures.

Our cyber security services


Take the complexity out of payment security compliance.

Cyber maturity assessments

Align your cyber defences to your risk profile.

Penetration testing

Protect your business with comprehensive penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities before cyber criminals do.

ISO 27001 readiness and uplift

Get the support you need as you prepare for your ISO 27001 certification.

Certification & accreditation (C&A)

Streamline governance and mitigate risks with C&A.

Hamish Bowen
Partner and National Director, Consulting
Hamish Bowen