From fast-growing companies to multinational organisations, an increasing number of businesses are looking across the globe when it comes to their expansion strategies. 

This can be anything from establishing new operations and outsourcing components to tapping into new markets, or even how you mobilise your people. 

Every jurisdiction your organisation invests in has its own unique set of tax rules and obligations. As your international footprint grows, you must fulfil multiple – sometimes overlapping – tax rules in these countries while navigating increasingly regulated cross-border tax laws.  

This, coupled with more tax scrutiny from tax authorities than ever before, means you must fully understand your tax opportunities, risks and obligations for every country in which you operate.  

How we help 

We work with clients at as they begin their journey into global expansion, as well as multinational organisations who are constantly under the spotlight of tax authorities around the world. We ensure you access relevant overseas tax incentives, while paying the appropriate level of tax and meeting your tax compliance obligations.  

We are part of a global network across more than 140 countries, which means we stay across the latest international tax developments affecting your investments and future plans. We understand what it means to manage tax issues across multiple jurisdictions, and create innovative and effective strategies to address complex challenges. 

We can also help you resolve specific commercial challenges such as: 

  • understanding where the value chain can assist with tax planning 
  • avoiding double taxation 
  • dealing with thin capitalisation rules 
  • repatriating international profits 
  • understanding withholding tax obligations 
  • managing tax authority risk reviews and audits 
  • managing transfer pricing risks and opportunities 
  • effectively managing your people through global mobility services 
  • employment taxes.