Your major programmes and projects expose you to significant financial and reputational risk throughout their life cycle. Don’t let these risks become a reality.

If a programme or project is not setup for success from the start or gets off track during its life cycle, it may overrun its budgets, miss its planned completion date and possibly deliver reduced or no value to the business. Our project assurance team provides the experience and expertise to significantly improve the prospects of a successful outcome.

Our methodology comprises three key areas of service delivery based on our own experience and best practice international standards:


Confirm the landscape of the organisation
Understand the programme or project scope and stage
Confirm the strategic framework and drivers for engagement
Agree the detailed approach with the sponsor and project team


Assess effectiveness of  governance, risk and control arrangements
Provide continuous assurance throughout the project life cycle
Conduct compliance audits against internal project management frameworks
Review effectiveness of key programme and project management  processes


Independent assurance with recommendations and suggestions for improvement
Improved clarity around the status of the programme or project
Transparency of the facts for key people and stakeholders
Highlight potential risks as they emerge to help the project manager, sponsor and Board avoid mistakes
Hamish Bowen
Partner and National Director, Consulting
Hamish Bowen