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Press Release

Grant Thornton New Zealand announces partnership with Syndex

Grant Thornton New Zealand announces partnership with Syndex

Grant Thornton New Zealand has partnered with Syndex, a digital private markets ecosystem designed to cultivate better access to capital and investor relationships for private businesses, in an easy-to-use online environment.

“Accessing the right sources of funding is one of the greatest challenges for businesses seeking capital”, says Russell Moore, National Managing Partner at Grant Thornton New Zealand.

“Syndex supports sustainable growth from seed to mature or listed status; we’re delighted to introduce this unique, fit for purpose platform as a viable option to clients who are seeking to raise capital for their businesses”, says Moore.

Ross Verry, CEO at Syndex says there is a funding gap where Kiwi businesses have difficulty accessing between $2-10m, stalling growth: “This is our sweet spot. Our platform has helped many businesses and projects  secure capital in this range. In 2019 we raised over $30m, helping to fill this ‘gap’, in 2021 this number increased to nearly $50m”.

“Our technology provides the perfect platform for investors by breaking down the perceived barriers of private market investing with increased access to alternative assets, with added benefits of  liquidity and price discovery - all with full transparency and control. For businesses this means more informed investors coming to their door and the realisation of their growth ambitions.”



Learn more about Syndex

Syndex gives businesses, syndicators, fund managers, co-operatives and other issuers the ability to raise capital, and manage their investor records and relations.  It also offers a secondary market for those seeking liquidity. The solutions Syndex delivers reduces the burden of investment management admin, saves time and eliminates errors which helps businesses to scale up with ease.

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