Budget 2023 and our aged care crisis: Time to stop short-term thinking and start future proofing the industry
Insight Budget 2023 and our aged care crisis: Time to stop short-term thinking and start future proofing the industry
The aged care sector in New Zealand has been neglected for too long by successive governments, and now, we are starting to see the outcomes of this neglect. Care home closures regularly make the headlines, and sentiment from operators within the industry is grim.
Ryan Campbell
| 3 min read |
It's time to build future-focused towns and cities
Insight It's time to build future-focused towns and cities
Some massive opportunities left in the wake of NZ's most recent natural disasters.
Dan Lowe
| 3 min read |
Going circular: Make tax work for your business and the environment right now
INSIGHT Going circular: Make tax work for your business and the environment right now
Although the R&D tax credit scheme isn't new, it is often overlooked as a way to help businesses adopt more circular business models, change the design of materials and packaging, and measuring and reducing their impact.
Denise Paterson
| 7 min read |
A huge waste management overhaul is here: How can local councils make the most of it?
Business innovation A huge waste management overhaul is here: How can local councils make the most of it?
The new Waste Minimisation (Information Requirement) Regulations 2021 make it mandatory for waste management facilities to keep records about the waste they’re receiving and where it’s going. Signpost of the direction the Government is taking with waste management – something that will have an impact on not only every local council, but every Kiwi household as well.
Building resilience through technology
Insights Building resilience through technology
Building resilience through technology is something that all businesses should have started thinking about or better yet, actioning, yesterday. As we come into the digital age, businesses have to take the leap in letting go of the status quo.
The rental crisis affects us all - and it's crippling NZ's progress
THOUGHT LEADERSHIP The rental crisis affects us all - and it's crippling NZ's progress
If you think the rental crisis doesn’t affect you, you’re wrong. Maybe you think you’re not affected because you own your own house, and you’re not a landlord. Wrong. New Zealand’s rental crisis isn’t only causing homelessness and poverty, it’s dragging down wages, stifling innovation and suppressing productivity for the whole country.

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152 Fanshawe Street
PO Box 1961
Auckland 1140

L15, Grant Thornton House
215 Lambton Quay
PO Box 10712
Wellington 6143

L3, 2 Hazeldean Road
Addington Christchurch 
P O Box 2099
Christchurch 8024

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