Stephen Keen and Russell Moore of Grant Thornton New Zealand have been appointed administrators of Build Partners Limited, Richardson Road Limited and Evergreen Modular Limited, and Property Partners Limited (the Group).

How to receive updates

Updates will be provided to creditors throughout the course of the administration, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Companies Act 1993. If you are a creditor and want access to these updates, please provide your details in the form below. Once you have been verified as a creditor, the administration team will give you access to this information. 

The Group was part of the wider construction group known as: Property Partners Group. The Group has been placed into administration by the directors to provide a stable platform for the administrators and directors to explore ways for the Group to re-start trading as a viable business. It this is not possible, the administration seeks to achieve a better outcome for creditors than an immediate liquidation.

For further queries contact:

Jamie Taylor
Manager, Financial Advisory Services
Grant Thornton New Zealand
T +64 27 221 3249