Environment & sustainability: If the Budget genie gave me three wishes, I'd ask for...
Budget 2022 Environment & sustainability: If the Budget genie gave me three wishes, I'd ask for...
If the Budget genie sprung from its lamp and asked me what I’d like delivered in Budget 2022, I would ask for: The Public Finance Act to be reformed, more Jobs for Nature, and a ceiling on our carbon emissions.
Michael Worth
Property: If the Budget genie gave me one wish, I'd ask for...
Budget 2022 Property: If the Budget genie gave me one wish, I'd ask for...
New Zealand needs rental properties that give tenants a better experience, so let’s incentivise the creation of build-to-rent-communities, says Dan Lowe, Partner, and Property & Construction Leader.
Dan Lowe
Budget 2022 must deliver for a GP workforce in crisis
Budget 2022 Budget 2022 must deliver for a GP workforce in crisis
Funding to train more general practitioners is top of the Budget wish list for Pam Newlove, Business Advisory Partner. Why? Because our GP workforce is in crisis.
Pam Newlove
Aged Care: If the Budget genie gave me one wish, I'd ask for...
Budget 2022 Aged Care: If the Budget genie gave me one wish, I'd ask for...
New Zealand has long-standing problems in the aged care sector that will only be solved by more funding. The shortage of nurses is becoming critical, demand for aged care is rising and the consequences of ignoring this problem are unacceptable. As a society, do we really want to leave our elderly population, their families and aged care professionals in the lurch?
Tax: If the Budget genie gave me one wish, I'd ask for...
Budget 2022 Tax: If the Budget genie gave me one wish, I'd ask for...
Kiwi businesses have been through the wringer over the past few years, with so much instability and rapid change. We need a tax strategy to help the country tackle it’s looming problems, says Greg Thompson, Business Advisory and Tax Leader.
Greg Thompson
Insights ASG 2022 年预算文章
Budget 2022