Budget 2019 sees New Zealand enter the eye of the global tax storm
Budget 2019 Budget 2019 sees New Zealand enter the eye of the global tax storm
Despite dominating the political agenda for much of the year, tax was barely mentioned in the budget. That doesn’t mean the work there is over, writes Greg Thompson of Grant Thornton New Zealand.
Greg Thompson
The tax empathy gap: Why Kiwis don’t want others to have a share
Budget 2019 The tax empathy gap: Why Kiwis don’t want others to have a share
Budget 2019: Unless we can find some way of taxing wealth as well as incomes, New Zealand is headed for an intergenerational economic meltdown, writes Grant Thornton tax partner Murray Brewer.
Murray Brewer
We need to completely rethink what ‘fairness’ means when it comes to tax
Budget 2019 We need to completely rethink what ‘fairness’ means when it comes to tax
Budget 2019: Should the collection of taxes be the point at which we talk about fairness, or should fairness be part of a completely different conversation, asks Grant Thornton tax partner Oksana Simonoff.
The digital divide is creating two New Zealands. The budget must help bridge it
Budget 2019 The digital divide is creating two New Zealands. The budget must help bridge it
If the wellbeing budget is going to do something about the long-term productivity of the country, it must address the growing gap between digital haves and have-nots, writes Grant Thornton’s Helen Fortune.
What the Wellbeing Budget needs to succeed: trust, support and understanding
Budget 2019 What the Wellbeing Budget needs to succeed: trust, support and understanding
Now that we know what the Wellbeing Budget is, the question is how we can create the right political and social environment to support it, says Grant Thornton’s Barry Baker.
Barry Baker