Your 2024 annual tax returns
2024 returns Your 2024 annual tax returns
To meet your tax compliance requirements for the financial year end 2022, you need to complete an information questionnaire and send it back to us along with any required documentation. You can return your form using one of two methods - print and post or email.
Why NFPs should fall in love with service performance reporting
Insight Why NFPs should fall in love with service performance reporting
Service reporting is all about your non-financial performance – the data that showcases the most meaningful parts of what your entity does. The standard is designed to help everyone see the fantastic work your charity is doing, and you might be surprised at the potential benefits of non-financial reporting. This service report tells all of your stakeholders:
Brent Kennerley
| 4 min read |
Will buyers pay more for businesses with existing tax losses?
Insight Will buyers pay more for businesses with existing tax losses?
New Zealand company tax changes mean that unused tax losses, previously lost following more than a 49% change of business ownership, may now survive. This means that while any existing tax losses for a sale above that threshold could previously be ignored during M&A negotiations, buyers and sellers should now consider potential price impacts when such losses exist.
Jay Shaw
| 6 min read |
A new PCI DSS version is coming: Are you ready?
Insight A new PCI DSS version is coming: Are you ready?
In March 2024, PCI DSS version 3.2.1 is officially retires and version 4.0 comes into full effect – and if your business accepts card payments, you need to ensure you’re ready. PCI DSS protects your customers’ information when they provide their credit/debit card details or planned payments, and you must comply with the standard.
5 min read |
If your business accepts card payments, you must be PCI DSS compliant. Here's how.
Insights If your business accepts card payments, you must be PCI DSS compliant. Here's how.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) were established in 2004 by Visa, Mastercard, Discover, JCB International and American Express to consolidate and simplify their individual security programmes. These standards determine how retailers and service providers should store, process, and transmit transactions to protect payment card data.
5 min read |
The low down on lease accounting for lessees
Insight The low down on lease accounting for lessees
NZ IFRS 16 is applicable to all large-for profit entities and aims to improve transparency and comparability in financial reporting by requiring these entities to recognise the full extent of their lease obligations on their balance sheets.
Allison Holmes
| 3 min read |

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PO Box 1961
Auckland 1140

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215 Lambton Quay
PO Box 10712
Wellington 6143

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Addington Christchurch 
P O Box 2099
Christchurch 8024

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