These days, there are few things New Zealanders demand more from their Government than transparency and accountability. Yet, the public sector needs to deliver results without sacrificing service quality and while saving costs.

That’s why it’s important to work with advisors who understand and value this, and can help provide strategic, effective and timely advice.  

Our public sector specialists are highly experienced in helping organisations do more with less, and we go the extra mile to ensure our clients can demonstrate value from every engagement.  

We also know the journey to achieving your vision isn’t always a straightforward one. Our team’s expertise goes beyond technical knowledge to service delivery that’s flexible, collaborative, responsive and aligned to the results you need to deliver. Our focus on agility and open communication means your projects are delivered efficiently and cost effectively.  

Need solutions?  

Our dedicated public sector advisory team works with all types of agencies, including central and local government, Crown Entities, State Owned Enterprises, autonomous agencies, public-sector units and public-private partnerships. Our key government services include:

  • Internal audit
  • Compliance and audit reviews
  • Performance improvement
  • Procurement and supply chain services
  • Programme and project management
  • IT advisory  
  • Cloud services
  • Data analytics 

Bridging the internal audit gaps for NZ’s public sector

How are NZ’s public sector agency leaders navigating the skills squeeze, budgetary bottlenecks, and IA innovation?

    Murray Chandler
    Partner and Public Sector Co-Leader
    Murray Chandler