Friday, April 11, 2025
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland)
Lane Neave Auckland Office
Level 8, 48 Shortland Street
Vero Centre, Auckland
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Join us for an exclusive session packed with regulatory updates and insights about capital raising opportunities in the property and construction sector.

Jennifer Xu will talk about Grant Thornton New Zealand’s strategic partnership with the G60 Science and Innovation Corridor in China, and provide insights into the Active Investor Plus (AIP) Visa. She’ll also discuss what NZ business owners can do to make their business more attractive to overseas investors to achieve a boost in capital.

Hygeia King from Lane Neave will then expand on the AIP Visa by providing the latest updates about NZTE and immigration policies, and the types of investments likely to qualify under these frameworks. They will also cover critical legal considerations when meeting immigration requirements if you’re attracting investors from overseas.

Wei Zhang from McKenzie & Co will provide a comprehensive update about the network capacity in Auckland and Land Development Feasibility. She will also explore value engineering to optimize design, reduce costs, and maximize development returns.

诚邀您参加我们的独家会议,会议将深入了解建筑行业的最新法规动态与资本筹集机遇,重点关注Active Investor Plus (AIP) 签证的最新发展。 

Jennifer Xu(Grant Thornton新西兰董事)将分享Grant Thornton与中国G60科技创新计划的战略合作成果,并深入解读AIP签证政策。她还将探讨新西兰企业如何提升对海外投资者的吸引力,从而助力资本增长。 

Hygeia King(Lane Neave律师事务所)将详细解析AIP签证政策,提供新西兰贸易与企业局 (NZTE) 及移民政策的最新动态,并介绍符合政策框架的投资类型。此外,他们还将分享在吸引海外投资者时需注意的关键法律事项。 

Wei Zhang(McKenzie & Co土木工程师)将为您带来全面的有关奥克兰土地承载量和开发可行性的全面更新。她还将和您探讨如何优化设计,降低成本,从而实现回报最大化。