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Update for Dasset Creditors and Users 5 August 2024

On 15 August 2023, David Ruscoe and Russell Moore from Grant Thornton New Zealand were appointed liquidators of Digital Asset Exchange Limited (trading as ‘Dasset’), a New Zealand digital assets trading platform.

As mentioned in the Liquidators Second report on Dasset issued March 2024.  The Liquidators intended to seek legal directions on the terms and conditions of the exchange to consider its relationship with its Account Holders. Specifically, whether the Crypto Assets are held in trust for Account Holders, or whether they should be for the benefit of all Company creditors.

In June 2024, this directions application was filed in the High Court of New Zealand.  As part of this application the court has issued orders to provide service of these proceedings by emailing all known account holders, shareholders and creditors with the link to the documents below.  

Copies of the relevant proceedings and court documents can be found linked below: 

  1. Sealed orders as to service and procedural directions
  2. Originating application by liquidators for directions
  3. Affidavit of Malcolm Russell Moore in support of originating application for directions by liquidators and interlocutory application as to procedural directions

Due to the large number of Account Holders we will not be responding to individual emails. All previous communications and circulars produced by the Liquidators can be found on the Dasset liquidation page.

The next statutory report is due in September, and we will provide a formal update on the liquidation progress via this report.